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Data protection

Please read this policy carefully. It contains important information about the processing of your personal data and the rights recognized by current regulations on the matter.
We reserve the right to update our privacy policy at any time due to business decisions or to comply with any legislative or jurisprudential changes. If you have any questions or need clarification regarding our Privacy Policy or your rights, you can contact us through the channels listed below.
In general, the fields in our forms that are marked as mandatory must be completed in order to process your requests.

1. Who is responsible for processing your data?
The entity responsible for processing the personal data collected on this website is PALMA MANAGEMENT S.L., (hereinafter, Megapark), located at Carrer Calçat (Edificio Toledo), 6 3º piso, despacho 38 - 07011 Palma de Mallorca (Illes Balears). You can contact our Data Protection Officer at


2. What do we process your data for and on what legal basis?


  • Management of the relationship with customers and users, online chat, ticket sales, and Q-Lounge reservations:
    We process the data that our customers and users provide in their inquiries and in the reservation or contracting forms to address their requests, provide the contracted services, or manage the sale and delivery of purchased products.
    The data from transactions made on the website will also be processed for accounting and administrative management purposes and to comply with our legal obligations in accounting and tax matters.
    These processes are necessary for the execution of the contract or the application of pre-contractual measures at the request of the interested parties.
    You can obtain more information about the conditions of ticket sales on our Legal Notice and Terms page. The personal data from ticket sales comes from the transfer by the ticket sales service. You can consult additional information in the service provider's Privacy Policy.

  • Images or videos:
    The images and/or voices captured during videos and photographic reports made on our premises will be processed for promotional and advertising purposes of the services we offer and the activities we carry out.
    This processing is justified on the following legal bases:

    • For videos and photographic reports where a specific person or group of people is focused on, the legal basis for processing is your consent, expressed in the camera recording. You can revoke your consent by contacting us at

    • In the case of videos and images that capture general or ambient shots, where people's images appear as merely incidental, the legal basis for processing is Megapark's legitimate interest in informing the general public about its activity. To weigh this interest against the freedoms and rights of the data subjects, the following has been determined:​

      • The processing is compatible with the reasonable expectations of the data subjects, as the recording is done in publicly accessible spaces and informed through signage of the recording.

      • The processing is proportionate, and the intrusion into the privacy of the data subjects is limited as no images of a person or group of people standing out from others are captured, no sensitive or private information is captured, and measures have been taken to minimize the identification of the data subjects so that their image appears as merely incidental.

    • The processing is carried out under Art. 8.2.c) of the Organic Law 1/1982, of May 5, on civil protection of the right to honor, personal and family privacy, and one's own image.

  • Administration and management of website security:
    We process navigation data (IP addresses or logs) to administer and manage the security of the website. This processing is based on our legitimate interest in ensuring the security of the website. This interest is explicitly recognized by Recital 49 of the GDPR. In weighing this interest against your rights and freedoms, it has been considered that this processing corresponds to generalized security practices and does not pose significant threats to the data subjects.

  • Statistical and quality management purposes:
    We compile statistics from aggregated data obtained from transaction data and browsing data on the website, such as IP addresses, weblogs, visited pages, or actions performed on the website (more info in our cookie policy).
    This processing is based on our legitimate interest in evaluating and managing the quality of our services and products. In weighing this interest against your rights and freedoms, it was determined that the processing had a limited impact on the privacy of the data subjects, corresponded to their reasonable expectations, and did not pose significant threats.

  • Sending commercial communications and managing distribution lists:
    We process the identifying and contact data provided by our customers and those who subscribe to our distribution lists to send them communications related to our activities, products, and services.
    To manage our distribution lists, we segment the recipients of our communications based on their market or language. This processing is a simple classification based on objective criteria and is not intended to create commercial profiles, predictions, or behavioral analyses.
    This processing is based on the consent that is requested from you. Not providing your consent or withdrawing it does not affect the execution of the order or the provision of the contracted services.
    You may unsubscribe from commercial purposes at any time by activating the link provided for this purpose in our communications or by sending an email to

  • Employment forms:

    • Identifying and contact details, such as DNI/NIE, residence permit (if applicable), name and surname, address, phone number or email, photo included in the CV (if applicable);

    • Personal aspects, such as your skills;

    • Personal characteristics included in your CV, such as your nationality;

    • Academic and professional data;

    • Information regarding hobbies or interests;

    • If applicable, the existence and degree of disability in compliance with the duty imposed by Art. 42.1 of RDL 1/2013, of November 29, which approves the Revised Text of the General Law on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and their Social Inclusion;

    • Data generated by the selection process itself, such as communications with the candidate, interview reports, technical test results, etc.
      The processing of your data for managing your participation in our selection processes is necessary for the adoption of pre-contractual measures at your request, under the provisions of Art. 6.1b) of the GDPR.
      The inclusion and retention of your CV in our job pool is based on our legitimate interest in optimizing and streamlining our selection processes. In weighing this interest against your rights and freedoms, we have determined the following:

    • The processing is compatible with the reasonable expectations of the candidates, as it involves individuals who have applied for a job in our company, and the creation of a job pool is a common practice in companies.

    • The impact on the privacy of the data subjects is limited: the processing benefits the candidates themselves by increasing their chances of finding a job; the data included in the pool corresponds to what the candidates themselves have chosen to share with the company to be considered in the selection processes;

    • Candidates are offered the option to object to the inclusion of their CV in the job pool, and a retention period limit for CVs has been set to ensure the currency and validity of the CVs.
      In general, we retain your data for as long as necessary to manage your participation in our selection processes and, in any case, during the periods provided for in applicable legal provisions and for as long as necessary to address potential liabilities arising from the processing. We will delete your data when it is no longer necessary or relevant for the purposes for which it was collected. Specifically, CVs will be deleted one year after being included in our database. However, if hired, the data related to your selection process will be retained in your employment record.

    • ​

  • We process the data of candidates who apply to our job offers or submit their CV to manage their participation in our selection processes and to create a job pool to fill future vacancies in the company. If you do not wish to be part of our job pool, you can indicate this by sending an email to The data processed for these purposes are obtained from the CV you provided to us, either directly or through the job website on which you registered to participate in one of our selection processes, as well as from interviews and technical tests that may be conducted. The categories of data processed for these purposes are as follows:

3. To whom may we communicate your data?
Your data will only be communicated to third parties due to legal obligations, with your consent, or when your request involves such communication.

4. How long will we retain your data?
In general, we will retain your data for the duration of the relationship you have with us and, in any case, during the periods provided for in applicable legal provisions, for example, in accounting and tax matters, and for as long as necessary to address potential liabilities arising from the processing. We will delete your data when it is no longer necessary or relevant for the purposes for which it was collected. The data processed for our informational and commercial communications will be kept as long as you do not request its deletion.


5. What are your rights?

You have the right to obtain confirmation of whether we are processing your personal data and, if so, to access it. You can also request that your data be rectified if it is inaccurate or completed if it is incomplete, as well as request its deletion when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.
In certain circumstances, you may request the restriction of the processing of your data. In such cases, we will only process the affected data for the formulation, exercise, or defense of claims or for the protection of the rights of other people. Under certain conditions and for reasons related to your particular situation, you may also object to the processing of your data. In such cases, we will stop processing the data unless there are compelling legitimate grounds that override your interests or rights and freedoms, or for the formulation, exercise, or defense of claims. Likewise, under certain conditions, you may request the portability of your data so that it is transmitted to another data controller.
You can revoke the consent you have given for certain purposes without affecting the legality of the processing based on the consent prior to its withdrawal, and file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency.
To unsubscribe from processing for commercial purposes, you can send an email to the following email address:

To exercise your rights, you must send us a request by postal or electronic mail to the addresses indicated in the section "Who is responsible for processing your data?"

You can obtain more information about your rights and how to exercise them at or on the Spanish Data Protection Agency's website at


Last modification: August 2024

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